Sunday, February 12, 2012

F.Y.P.1 ~ 4th Week: Sketch out the IDEAS

This week, I've figure out that I will choose a robot with Quadrapod concept to be build for my competition project. I choose this concept as I've been advised by my advisor, Mdm. Noor Hidayah Bt. Mohd Yunus, and several friend.

Quadrapod concept require a robot to be build with 4 legs as to move with high stability. This 4 legs will be controlled by 4 or 8 servo; which I still haven't decide on how much servo to be use for the robot. But I believe with this concept, it will make the robot move faster and gain high stability.

Here some of my sketch for Quadrapod robot:

Rear and front view sketch of Quadrapod robot

From the sketch, I've draw a Quadrapod robot based with 4 servo. It may seem balance, but I'm still unable to figure out for the speed and step for each movement.

Next week, I will go thru the I.C circuit and the movement for the Quadrapod robot. This I.C circuit will control the servo. It will program the robot to control movement to be smooth and faster.

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