Saturday, June 2, 2012

F.Y.P.1 ~ 10th Week: #Research - Micro-Controller Part 2

Continued from the 5th week topic, I still doing some research about a suitable microcontroller to use for this robot. As in previous, I've state that I will use PIC as my microcontroller. I choose PIC because it has wide availability and it is a low cost component.

Basically we know that PIC is stand for Peripheral Interface Controller which can be a low cost development tools and serial programming capability.

I have two kind of PIC board that I would like to choose:

Cytron PIC32 Microcontroller

Lyxnmotion Mini Atom Board

Cytron PIC32 microcontroller can support up to 32 servo in same time using operating voltage of 2.3V till 3.6V. This microcontroller is quite expensive but have capability restoring high capacity of memory. With the flash memory, it is able to re-programming the data within it. It also can control any scale of robot.

Mean while, Lyxnmotion Mini Atom Board can only support up to 20 servo using 5V of power supply. This board are small and cheap, but only able to control small scale robot.

From my guess, I will pick Lyxnmotion Mini Atom as microcontroller for this robot development.

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