Friday, June 1, 2012

F.Y.P.1 ~ 8th Week: #Research - Sensor

This week, I'm will do a research about sensor which will be implement into the Quadrapod Robot.

As we know, infrared sensor is an electronic devices that measure infrared light which radiated from object in its field of view. Infrared is invisible to human eyes but can only be detect by such a device.

In my robot structure, I need an infrared sensor that can able the robot to avoid from obstacle while move smoothly within a range of track that been provided.

For the robot to accomplish such structure, below is the Infrared Sensor under my surveillance:

Infrared Range Sensor
Line Tracking Sensor

Infrared Obstacle Detector Sensor

The sensor from above had their own function, such as the range sensor can be use by robot to track movement within specific range. The line tracking sensor will only detect colors line, it may allow the to move smoothly within single line. The obstacle detector sensor is sensitive sensor that can be use to detect an obstacle in front of robot within a range.

I might prefer use all of them to construct my robot, accept for line tracking sensor as I'm not even sure either the track in the challenge will be provide with line tap, or else I will only use obstacle detector and range sensor for my robot.

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