Friday, June 1, 2012

F.Y.P.1 ~ 9th Week: #Research - Servo Controller

In this week, I'm going to survey on servo controller for my robot structure. My Quadrapod Robot may consist with 4 legs (each legs apply 2 servo motor) to be control by a servo controller.

Servo controller is used to control the servo motor motion as the servo controller will send a repeatable pulse of variable width signal (PWM) towards each of the servo motor. The servo controller can allow the motor position their output shaft to any position on any command and hold that position by using 555 timer and a few support components.  
8 Servo Controller

Above is the 8 Servo Controller that been choose which because it is cheaper device that I've found. It can control up to 8 servo in same time while each of the servo speed and range can be control independently. This servo controller also include with three status LEDs. This device can support supply voltage from 5V till 16V.

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