Wednesday, November 14, 2012

F.Y.P.2 ~ 14th Week: Presentation and Competition Moment

The day of finale has come as we all need to present our FYP result to our selected assessor. Each of the student will be assessed by two lecture and the lecture who assessing me is:

~ Mdm Nurul Rodziah Bt. Abdul Ghafar
~ Mdm Azura Bt Hamzah

I've been assessed well by the lectures as they ask about my project from beginning till I've succeed to produce the robot of my own.

After my presentation, me and my friend proceed to competition track to start the challenge. Each of student's robot who compete have their own ability and unique design.

Each competitor preparing their robot for the race

The winner will be calculate by how many turn the robot can move in limited time.

Alhamdulillah, at last I get 3rd place in the race when I completed one turn within 3 minutes. It was very challenging as the obstacle sensor circuit was torn out by sudden, but the robot still making its move till the end. I'm really gratefully to win on 3rd place in this competition.

Next, I need to start my progress on completing the FYP report as it need to be submit by week 17.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

F.Y.P.2 ~ 13th Week: Representing Poster

Its week 13, only one week left for the FYP Presentation that will be held on Thursday. A poster is one of the criteria needed during the presentation. Below is the poster that I have designed and it been approved by my supervisor.

As been advise by my supervisor, I have added Block Diagram, Application and Result into the poster.

After presenting my FYP, me and my friend's robot will be compete in the Intersection Section Challenge as to challenge the robot speed and time by representing for each department. With the Test G-00 robot performance, I'm hoping for winning in the competition. Just wish me luck :)

F.Y.P.2 ~ 12th Week: Test G-00 Way To Go! (Video)

This week, I will presenting to you a video of Test G-00

Please enjoy the video, even thou it was low quality :)

For now, I was preparing a draft for the poster to be presented on week 14. So far the poster seems to be approved by my supervisor. 

Next week I will upload to show my poster that will be use on 14th week.

F.Y.P.2 ~ 11th Week: Test G-00 Way To Go!

This week gonna be my happiest moment in my life as the robot can move smoothly and accordingly to what I desired for. After my programming issue was solve, I have tried to make a housing as a body to cover the circuit attached to the robot. The housing was made from recycle boxes.

This is the completed six-legged robot I named as Test G-00

As my programming issue has been solve, I can say that I have completed my six-legged robot and I can start to focus on presentation which will be held on week 14.

F.Y.P.2 ~ 10th Week: Re-Program

From the update last week, I found out that my programming is faulty when the robot movement when wrong and not according to what I desire. So, I have take an advise from my friend to check for any error within the programming.

I've placed the LCD on the circuit to make programming more easy.

After I check the program, we found there was an error on the 2nd servo (left leg). It does not following the servo controller command as the obstacle sensor has submit its signal to the servo controller for the left leg to change its movement. So, I have re-program it and I will check again either the servo can move accordingly. If not, I may need to re-program again.

F.Y.P.2 ~ 9th Week: Burn Mode

Today, I will proceed to burn the program into the PIC microcontroller. But before I start, I need to find a suitable USB to plug in toward the circuit from my desktop.

Below is a step taken to burn the program into the PIC:

First Install WinPic800 which able to detect the PIC. Now click the icon as shown above and the software will detect the type of the PIC.

Next, I need to write a HEX code. So I need to open a HEX file by clicking the icon shown. Browse and open the hex file.

After that, I will program the file to PIC by click the icon as above.

A confirmation window will appear and click Yes to proceed programming the PIC.

Now the program will be burn into the circuit.

When it is completed, the window will show the status. Click Accept and the PIC ready to be plug out.

Now as the circuit is completed with the program, I need to assemble the circuit on the mechanical part.

Next I will test the robot either the program is suitable with the movement that I desire or not.

F.Y.P.2 ~ 8th Week: Programming Tine

As I using PIC16F877 develop by Microchip, I will perform the programming in a software called as MPLAB IDE which can be download from

For more understanding, below is the step taken to perform programming in MPLAB:
(Please click on the picture for better view)

Before start, please create a new folder in C:\ drive and rename the folder accordance to the project name/title. This folder is now become our project folder.

Copy the given ASM code into the new project folder and rename it
with the name that related.

Now, Open the MPLAB and go to Project Menu and Click “Project Wizard”

Click “Next”

Now, please select devices that we want to program. As for my project, I will choose 16F877A

After that, select language tool suite as shown above.

Next, browse where to locate our new MPLAB project and write a name for the project.

Now, select the existing assembly code/project and click “add” to insert to new MPLAB project.

And now the project wizard is completed. Check the summary and click “Finish”

The new MPLAB project should look like the picture above

Now is the step to build a program in MPLAB:

To Build your new project, go to menu “Project” and click on “Build All”

Above is the succeeded result after Build process

I will program it according to what I desire as to program the movement for my six-legged robot. 

After I finish the programming, I will burn it into the circuit which already build on last week.