Tuesday, November 13, 2012

F.Y.P.2 ~ 6th Week: PCB Design Part 2

In this week, I have designed the PCB for the PIC circuit to be placed. I'm using Proteus as it is easy to design a circuit and easy to use. Below is the schematic of the circuit.

Circuit which I've designed in Proteus.

Print view of circuit schematic.

To make a PCB, the design need to be print on a transparent paper before it is affixed into PCB by going thru a UV rays process which will take about 2 minute to complete. Then the PCB will added with a liquid for etching process. The ferric chloride powder will the mixed with warm water. Then silica will detach and remove the layer by washed with clean water. After that, the PCB will be insert into a developer liquid that will silicon oxide from the PCB. Now the PCB circuit is ready to be use.

This is the PCB circuit that is ready to be use.

Next week, I will start to attach all of the component onto the PCB circuit.

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